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Creating Sacred Space

Zen Stones 3

November 1, 2015

Our homes are our sanctuaries from a busy, stressful world. Consciously creating a sacred space within your home can help to give your spirit a place to rest. You can do this in a corner, or set up a whole room - your bedroom is ideal - to be a place where you can connect with the sacred. Imagine sleeping every night in a space filled with the nourishing energy of Divine connection.

Once you've settled on a space to work with, start with cleanliness (said to be next to Godliness!). Clear away clutter and give the space a good cleaning. You might want to cleanse the energy of the space as well, with prayer or smudging or sound.

When setting up your sacred space, think about what makes you feel peaceful, joyful, and connected to the Divine. Include only objects that bring about those feelings for you... candles, a cross, a Buddha, special stones or natural found objects might be good additions. You might also include photos of loved ones who have passed on. A bench, a dresser, or even the top of a bookcase can serve as an altar.

Give some special attention to the images you choose for your sacred space. Simplicity is key here. Photos that capture the beauty of Divine creation in its simply glory can really add to the sacred feeling of a room. There are several images in my various galleries that would be good candidates.

Once you have created your sacred space, make sure you take at least a little time to be consciously present in that space every day. Let your heart expand to take in the beauty of life and all creation. Breathe in peace and set an intention to carry it with you throughout your day.


I like to spend some time in my sacred space when I first wake up and just before sleep. Having my bedroom be this space makes it easy! Prayer, meditation, journalling, yoga, and making love are all enhanced by the conscious inhabiting of sacred space.

White Calla No. 1

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